1. A&L NET
a. SOURCES OF REFERENCE FOR A&L NET INFORMATION. When the opportunity exists, I check the sources listed below for the newest and most relevant information on a weekly basis, so you don't have to. There are times that I am unavailable and there are durations of silence and stagnancy associated with my being unavailable due to operational demands. In those gaps, and daily for that matter, I encourage each of you to submit your own information to keep the community alive and up to date. If you have problems with permissions to post, please contact me. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072443
b. INTERSERVICE PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PROGRAM (IPAP) VIRTUAL RECURRING BRIEF - NEXT IS 9 NOV! This is coming from the OTSG PA Consultant. We are trying to get the word out and hopefully get interested personnel to apply to the IPAP Program. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074251
c. NATIONAL GUARD SUPPLY CATALOG MW3 AS OF 2 NOV 21. This is the official ordering catalog for National Guard units. The catalog changes quarterly, this one is valid as of 2 Nov 21. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072981
2. Medical FORSCOM WIAS, ARNG, and USAR Positions
a. ARNG/USAR MEDICAL POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE AS OF 4 NOV 21. ADOS opportunity medical support unit Europe, e5-e6; 68w, 92y, & 42a, Kaiserslautern, Germany, and 1SG TPU vacancy (hhc), 7452d moru & 7352d vet-det, San Diego, ca. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074261
b. ARNG/USAR MEDICAL POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE AS OF 2 NOV 21. Center for army lessons learned (CALL) military analyst forwards (MAF’s) needed, major to colonel (04-06), cw3 to cw5 or master sergeant to sergeant major (e8-e9), positions at all compo 1 corps and divisions. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/message/965266
3. Medical MILPERs, ALARACTs, Directives, and Announcements
a. MILPER MESSAGE 21-420, PREPOSITION/OFFICIAL RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2021 ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) SENIOR SERVICE COLLEGE (SSC) SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, ISSUED: [11/1/2021 9:51:26 AM]. This message announces the release of the schedule of the FY2021 AC AMEDD SSC selection board results. Officers selected will be slated to attend SSC during Academic Year (AY) 2022-2023. The official release date of the board results is 4 November 2021. The prepositioning date will be 2 November 2021 for all preposition recipients. https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/21-420
b. FRAGMENTARY ORDER 002 (UPDATED GUIDANCE) TO OPERATION ORDER 21-075, UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE COMMAND (USARC) MANDATORY CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) VACCINATION PROGRAM, 291600Z OCT 2021. This order addresses Secretary of the Army implementation of Reference 3, COVID-19 Vaccination of Department of Defense Service Members, dated 24 AUG 2021. Civilian employees who are also members of the reserve and not on active duty orders will complete vaccination in accordance with published civilian employee vaccination guidelines. This OPORD does not address federal civilian or contract employees. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1051858
c. UPDATES TO CREDENTIALING/PRIVILEGING OF ENLISTED MEDICAL PERSONNEL. IMPACTS ON MILITARY EMS, PREHOSPITAL CARE, MEDIC SCOPE OF PRACTICE IN MTFS, MEDIC TRAINING, AND MEDIC SUSTAINMENT. This Conversation began with MEDCoE and includes directives/implications from OTSG and MEDCoE on MTFs, EMS, prehospital medicine, and medics. Read below. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/260369
4. Discussions on Medical Case Studies, Research, Guidelines, and Updates
a. THE BATTALION AID STATION—THE FORGOTTEN FRONTIER OF THE ARMY HEALTH SYSTEM DURING THE GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM. The battalion aid station (BAS) has historically served as the first stop during which combat casualties would receive care beyond a combat medic. Since the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, many combat casualties have bypassed the BAS for treatment facilities capable of surgery. We describe the care provided at these treatment facilities during 2007–2020. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074491
b. USAFRICOM THEATER TRAUMA ASSESSMENT JOINT TRAUMA SYSTEM 27 NOV 2019. Assessment data is gathered under field conditions. Although limited, results are provided to indicate perspectives and meet the need for timely system assessment. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-995796
c. US. ARMY MEDICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM BEGINS FOCUS ON ARCTIC LIMITATIONS AND CAPABILITIES. There has been a longstanding gap in military medicine and its capabilities in arctic regions. USAMRDC begins to focus on this issue and correct some of the deficiencies that exist for these regions. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072985
5. Army Medicine News
a. ATTN: US FDA ISSUES EUA FOR PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE FOR 5 THROUGH 11 YEARS OF AGE. Per the COVID-19 CAG, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has re-issued the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to authorize emergency use of the unapproved product, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, for the prevention of COVID 19 in individuals 5 through 11 years of age. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072894
b. Force Health Protection 23 ( FHP23) (rev 2) SIGNED. This memorandum rescinds and replaces FHP Supplement 23, Revision 1 and provides updated guidance for implementing additional force health protection and workplace safety measures directed by the White House Safer Federal Workforce Task Force to reduce the transmission of the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Among other items, the following guidance is provided in this revision: https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072963
c. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 4 NOV 21. Topics: Hawaii, DHA, Brain Injury, Vaccine Refusal, COVID and Children, Tricare Pharmacies, Tricare Network Pharmacies, Airborne Hazards, Telehealth App, Medical Information Dissemination, COVID Vaccine Adverse Reactions, DODEA Schools, Vaccine Compliance. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074284
d. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 3 NOV 21. Topics: CDC, Suicide Prevention, White House, Fort Hood, Delta Variant, Vaccine Exemption, COVID Vaccines for Children, COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Colorado Hospitals. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1073670
e. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 2 NOV 21. Topics: Sexual Assault, Suicide Assessment, Sexual Assault Policy, Doulas and Tricare, Access to Care, BAMC, Contraception for Female Soldiers, Trauma Partnership, Vaccine Refusal, South Korea. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072984
f. ARMY MEDICINE NEWS 1 NOV 21. Topics: JBLM, Pentagon, HPSP, Medical App, Health Professions Student Loan Repayment, Pfizer Vaccine for Children, Vaccine Resistance, Medical Criminals, Pandemic Lessons Learned, Ms. Veteran America, European Dental Training Symposium, Trauma Partnership, Flu Vaccine, Afghan Refugees, Trucking Companies, COVID Vaccine Mandate. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072962
6. FORSCOM Casualty Response
a. ROLE 2 READINESS ASSESSMENT WITH ARSRA APPENDIX - FINAL 13 OCT 21. The Joint Trauma System – Performance Improvement Branch has shared a newly created assessment tool. The Role 2 Readiness Assessment is a tool to support preparation and validation of combat surgical teams. This will be a useful resource for the Medical OC/Ts as these teams cycle through the CTCs. The POC is Elizabeth Mannsalinas, Performance Improvement Branch, Joint Trauma System. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072971
b. 36TH FRSD AND 3CR R2 - FTX STORYBOARD. Great work by the 36th FRSD. See storyboard of their training. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1069529
c. COVID-19 CLINICAL OPERATIONS GUIDELINES GROUP BRIEFING 3 NOV 2021. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1073678
7. CMS and MSTCs
a. 68W CRIMINAL BACKGROUND RESOURCES. Statement of Continuing NREMT Eligibility, US Army EMS Directors (68W) Training Policy/Causes for Disqualification, Criminal Background Questionnaire, NREMT Felony Conviction Policy resources added. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074243
b. I’M LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON GETTING MEDICS ENROLLED IN A BCT3 CLASS Q&A. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074486
c. CLS DHA TIER 2 UPDATES FROM MEDCOE. The Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DoT-D) has developed the training support package (TSP) to support the training and replace the old ISO (yellow book). We had to pull it back to fix some of the recommended simulators. It will be published on the Central Army Registry (CAR) as soon as it is approved. There is another issue that arose early last week surrounding licenses and deployedmedicine.com. We are not able to issue course codes due to a very limited amount of access. I briefed this at the DOTMLPF-P sync meeting this morning and we are working to establish an Army process. You can use the current CLS test on the APAN CLS site. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074242
d. COMBAT LIFESAVER COURSE CE CREDITS FOR INSTRUCTORS. Message from US Army EMS (Be Advised). To receive CE credit for instructing a CLS course, you must have a copy of the training schedule, class roster, sign in and out sheets. The instructor must have taught the entire content to receive CEs. Army EMS will input the CEs.
e. MEDIC TABLES CE HOURS ENTRY AND APPLICABILITY. Message from US Army EMS (Be Advised). TC8-800 is eight tables. CE hours are awarded based on completion of the training of Tables I-VII. You cannot earn CEs for partial tables. Example: Table I is not equal to a 24 hour refresher. Be advised: Completing TC8-800 and then repeating Table I does not meet recertification requirements. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1072965
f. INFECTIOUS MYOSITIS, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, AND HYPERTONIC SALINE DISCUSSIONS FROM THE JOURNAL OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS MEDICINE PODCAST SUMMER 2021. In this episode of the JSOM Podcast, Alex and Josh review 3 articles from the Summer journal. They review articles on Infectious Myositis in the Austere Setting by Simon Sarkisian, Autopy-Determined Atherosclerosis in SOF Forces by Russ Kotwal, and 23.4% Hypertonic Saline by Eric DeSousy for the Summer journal. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074239
g. PODCAST EPISODE 4: PART 1 OF THE PHARM SERIES… 12 PRINCIPALS OF PHARMACOLOGY. In this great podcast Justin introduces the principals of pharmacology that have served him well over the years and have done far more for him than simply keeping him out of trouble. He also introduces Brad Morgans CRNA who is a wealth of knowledge and experience in not only combat and austere theaters but also in working with and relating to, SOF medics and the challenges we face. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1074306
Please share this message with anyone seeking updates to stay current with medicine, casualty response and prevention, lessons learned, case studies, etc. It's time to rapidly and effectively increase transparency and communication to the lowest level to ensure we all have a common operating picture of medical operations. Messages will be sent on a weekly basis pending content and availability. Thanks for your time and support.
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REVOKE MEMBERSHIP: If you no longer wish to be a member of A&L NET go to the A&L NET Home Page, look on the right side of the screen for the "Actions" box, and click on “Leave Community.”