1. A&L NET
a. A&L NET UPDATES AND MESSAGE SUMMARIES, ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP? As I continue my duties as an OC/T, I am looking forward to approximately 2 months of reduced or no time/connectivity to update A&L NET and push emails out to the community. This does not mean that the community will shut down or that I am calling it quits by any means. The community has grown to over 100 members and with that, I believe that there is a widespread desire to receive information and updates through this medium. I ask that as community members, you share information and updates from official sources to pages as you come across them. Even if emails aren't sent out on a weekly basis, the updates that community members can find and post are more than enough to keep the community alive and growing. I hope everyone was able to enjoy the holidays. Thanks for joining, have a great day
2. Discussions on Medical Case Studies, Research, Guidelines, and Updates
a. A NOVEL PARADIGM FOR SURGICAL SKILLS TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCY. IMPORTANCE Sustainment of comprehensive procedural skills in trauma surgery is a particular problem for surgeons in rural, global, and combat settings. Trauma care often requires open surgical procedures for low-frequency/high-risk injuries at a time when open surgical experience is declining in general and trauma surgery training. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1094707
b. TRAUMA INITIATIVES AND RECRUITING AND SUSTAINMENT HOT TOPIC 10 DEC 21. Panel Discussion including: MG(R) Joseph Caravalho, COL Jason Seery, COL Elizabeth Duque, and LTC Danielle Holt. HOLISTIC HEALTH AND THE SOLDIER: A Professional Development Forum 7 Dec 21. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095462
c. COSCCC ADDRESSES RISE OF SINGLE SURGEON TEAMS AND THE NEED FOR NEUROSURGEONS IN THEATER. The Surgical Committee met in Nov 2021 for the first in-person gathering since the COVID pandemic. CDR Shane Jensen led the meeting as the newly appointed Chair for the Surgical Committee. RDML Hancock and BG Cox were the General Officers in attendance, and the committee was presented with the deployed surgeon accounts from the tragedy at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095454
3. New and Updated Medical Regulations, CPGs, and Guidelines
a. Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 15) Revision 3 - Department of Defense Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Laboratory Testing Services, 30 Dec 21. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1093060
b. Tools to Mitigate the Threat of the Omicron Variant of Coronavirus Disease20lg in the Department of Defense, 30 Dec 21. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1093077
c. Army Health System Symbology Matrix (7 January 2022). The Army Health System (AHS) Symbology Matrix depicts the symbols AHS operational forces use in a deployed setting. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-610162
d. USCENTCOM 061600Z JAN 22 MOD SIXTEEN TO USCENTCOM INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION AND INDIVIDUAL-UNIT DEPLOYMENT POLICY. Unclassified. Subject/Mod Sixteen to USCENTCOM individual protection and individual/unit deployment policy. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095461
e. How to Manage Mechanical Ventilation When Using the Universal Portable Anesthesia Complete Vaporizer, 26 Dec 2021. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095459
f. Prolonged Casualty Care Guidelines 21 Dec 2021 ID91. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095460
g. Mechanical Ventilation Basics 27 Dec 2021 ID92. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095491
h. Mechanical Ventilation during CCAT 14 Dec 2021 ID48. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095492
i. TCCC Guidelines for Medical Personnel 15 Dec 21. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1095463
j. TC 8-800 Medical Education and Demonstration of Individual Competence Updated Dec 21. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1092800
4. FORSCOM Casualty Response
a. MECCD F2 Report (Current Stats) and Critical Care Flight Paramedic (CCFP) Program Smartsheet - Updated 3 JAN 2022. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/176370
5. Roles 2&3 Definitive Care and Programs
a. ATTN: SURGEONS AND/OR THOSE WHO ARE DEPLOYING IN THE ROLE OF SURGEONS! The EWSC-ASSET+ course has proven to be a valuable skills acquisition and sustainment tool enabling our expeditionary surgeons to gain currency and competence in a number of vital life, limb, and eyesight saving procedures. To date we have conducted 31 courses with just over 200 surgeons trained. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/262699
6. Role 4, Definitive Care, and Programs
a. WALTER REED ARMY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH MAKES PROGRESS ON POSSIBLE PAN-CORONAVIRUS VACCINE. The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research has been working on developing a COVID-19 vaccine that takes a different approach than other vaccines and, if successful, would take have broader and more potent efficacy on coronaviruses. Instead of using mRNA, this vaccine is made up of nanoparticles that are based on a ferritin platform. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1092762
b. G-37 MEDICAL READINESS WINTER NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 13. This issue explores the current G-37 Medical Readiness initiatives and strategies within Policy, IT/MODS, Training, Good News Stories, DHAP, and Joint IMR to move us closer to the MRC Go goal of >90%. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1093230
c. COVID-19 Clinical Operations Guidelines Group 5 JAN 2022. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1094059
d. J&J MMQC-21-1725 - December 2021. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1094301
e. COVID VACCINE INDICATION SLIDE 5 JAN 2022. See updated COVID vaccine indication slide. Happy New Year!. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1094091
f. THE BRANDON ACT IS COMING FOR TOXIC LEADERS IN THE MILITARY. Now, whenever a member of the military needs mental health attention, they can use the safe words, “Brandon Act” to self-report anonymously. BLUF: Now, whenever a member of the military needs mental health attention, they can use the safe words, “Brandon Act” to self-report anonymously and outside the chain of command, which is crucial for anyone in Brandon’s situation. Brandon left behind six suicide notes explaining what pushed him over the edge and asking his parents to try to change it, “so not as many people in the future will suffer the same fate I have.” https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1090924
7. Medical Courses
a. EWSC-ASSET+ COURSE. This course has now replaced the legacy EWSC as required skills training for all surgeons who might deploy in a role 2 setting as a "general surgeon" . This "mandated" training designed to be repeated every 2 years is far more important than many of the pre-deployment training mandates, but seems to not be a priority for commanders and unit readiness personnel. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/262699
8. MEDCoE Lessons Learned and Project Warrior
a. FROM STOVEPIPES OF EXCELLENCE TO INTERORGANIZATIONAL NETWORKS OF COOP. From Stovepipes of Excellence to Interorganizational Networks of Cooperation: Training in the Complex JRTC Operational Environment is a white paper written by our interagency and non-lethal team. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1089932
b. PROJECT WARRIOR REQUIREMENTS. For those interested in Project Warrior, per AR 614-200, para 8-8b and e, you MUST meet the following requirements to join: https://www.milsuite.mil/book/thread/262613
c. PROJECT WARRIOR CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1094067
Please share this message with anyone seeking updates to stay current with medicine, casualty response and prevention, lessons learned, case studies, etc. It's time to increase transparency and communication rapidly and effectively to the lowest level to ensure we all have a common operating picture of medical operations. Messages will be sent on a weekly basis pending content and availability. Thanks for your time and support.
JOIN INSTRUCTIONS: If you would like to receive messages on updates and posts to A&L NET, you must join community on milSuite. To join, click on the A&L NET Home Page link https://www.milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/al-net and sign in to milSuite with your CAC (signing in establishes your milSuite account if you didn’t have one). When you reach the A&L NET Home Page look on the left side of the page for the “Join A&L NET” widget and click it. Approval is automatic. All A&L NET members receive these messages. You must log on every 9 months to keep your account active.
REVOKE MEMBERSHIP: If you no longer wish to be a member of A&L NET go to the A&L NET Home Page, look on the right side of the screen for the "Actions" box, and click on “Leave Community.”