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Army A&L NET Message Summary - 2 Nov 23

A&L NET words displayed over the foggy interior of a military vehicle with two soldiers in combat uniform providing patient care and a radio mic in a hand
Aid And Litter NET (A&L NET) on milSuite

You are a member of A&L NET and are receiving this summary of items uploaded to the community from 1-31 Oct 23. If you wish to not receive emails from A&L NET but have access to all content, revoke your membership on the home page.

1. A&L NET

a. Upcoming Events

(1) Care of the Military Family Symposium 8 Nov 23

(2) Army Medicine SGM Summit (ROC Drill Facility, JBSA) 27 Nov - 1 Dec 23

(3) IITSEC 2023 Annual Conference (Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL) 27 Nov - 1 Dec 23

(4) Special Operations Medical Training and Development (SOMTD) Event 28-30 Nov 23

b. ARMY STANDARDS FOR EXECUTING DOD MEDICAL READINESS TRAINING (MRT) TACTICAL COMBAT CASUALTY CARE (TCCC) TIERED TRAINING ON DEPLOYED MEDICINE. You are invited to check out TCCC Tiered Training Guidance on Deployed Medicine. This book will provide information on how the Army will conduct and execute training IAW DoDI 1322.24 DoD Medical Readiness Training using the standardized curriculum for All Service Member (ASM), Combat Lifesaver (CLS) and Combat Medic/Corpsman. The book will also contain information for 68W Sustainment and Recertification, various Army Medicine resources, NREMT Recertification and Relias Health information.

c. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUPPORT DOS WORKING GROUPS AND PROJECTS IN SUPPORT OF THE 68W? The Directorate of Simulation is looking for personnel interested in joining a DoS working group list. This list will be added to the DoS working groups MS Teams group and will be used to request for help from the force within working groups that will shape the Army and the 68W. A few of the upcoming working group topics will include TC 8-800 rewrite, MEDIC Tables Skills Validation Scenario updates, MEDIC Tables Skills Validation Evaluation Form updates, MEDIC Tables Lesson Plans, and medical simulation device accreditation.

d. DOS 68W SUSTAINMENT AND SYSTEMS PROJECTS AND UPDATES. Follow this document to see what projects and initiative the Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE) Directorate of Simulation (DoS) is focused on. This document includes current projects, updates underway, working groups progress, and completed projects information.

e. ICTL TRACKERS 68C, 68D, AND 68W. Attached are some ITCL tracker Excel workbooks that were shared by Joseph Binan.

f. HIGH MEDICAL MATERIEL QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE. United States Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA) is alerting stockholders of *FDA* *Recall Number: Z-2527 thru 2530-2023 and ECRI: A41107 / 01 *in accordance with applicable policies and procedures outlined in DODD 5105.22, DODD 6025.13, Army Regulation 40-61, 28 January 2005, Chapter 4, and Department of the Army Supply Bulletin (SB 8-75-11). *"A High Alert notification has been announced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a volatile product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death."* *The FDA has recalled Hamilton-C1/T1/MR1 Ventilators**.

g. MEDCOE CSM SITREP OCT 23. Attached you will find the first edition of my Medical Center of Excellence CSM's Sitrep to the Force. This deliberate communication is relevant to each of your formations across the globe. The content will include subjects that impact our Medical Community and our Army. Please share with your teams. This deliberate communication is relevant to each of your formations across the globe. The content will include subjects that impact our Medical Community and our Army. Please share with your teams.

2. New and Updated Medical Regulations, CPGs, and Guidelines

a. CANINE (K9TCCC) TCCC GUIDELINES FOR VETERINARY AND MEDICAL PERSONNEL 1 MAY 23. The Joint Trauma System K9TCCC Guidelines are applicable to all Military Working Dogs, Multi-Purpose Canines, Contract Working Dogs or other working dogs that may be present in a deployed or operational environment.

3. Discussions on Medical Case Studies, Research, Guidelines, and Updates

a. THE PURPOSE AND IMPACT OF THE U.S. MILITARY HIV RESEARCH PROGRAM JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY 3RD QTR 23. HIV, or the human immunodeficiency virus, has been acknowledged as a global epidemic since shortly after it was identified as the virus responsible for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the mid-1980s. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS estimates that almost 38 million people were living with HIV as of 2020.

b. TELEMEDICINE GUIDANCE IN THE DEPLOYED SETTING 19 SEP 23 JTS CPG ID94. This CPG is intended to be used as a guide to educate users in the deployed environment about the benefits and limitations of telemedicine.

c. TBI NEUROSURGERY DEPLOYED ENVIRONMENT 15 SEP 2023 JTS CPG ID30. Guidelines and recommendations for the treatment and medical management of casualties with moderate to severe head injuries in an environment where personnel, resources and follow-on care are limited.

d. COSCCC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS AUG 23. Highlights from the Committee on Surgical Combat Casualty Care Meeting. Lack of clinical volume and case complexity within our medical treatment facilities (MTFs) is an existential threat to military medicine and joint medical force generation. BLUF: Military MTFs must recapture complex patient care.

e. COSCCC ABSTRACTS 2ND QUARTER 2023. Power of mentorship for civilian and military acute care surgeons: identifying and leveraging opportunities for longitudinal professional development. Characterizing Moral Injury and Distress in US Military Surgeons Deployed to Far-Forward Combat Environments in Afghanistan and Iraq. Seven more articles in this abstract document.

f. COSCCC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS MAR 23. The CoSCCC conference opened with an introduction by CDR Jensen, Chair of the Defense Committees on Trauma (DCoT) and CAPT Tadlock, the Chair of the Committee on Surgical Combat Casualty Care (CoSCCC). The focus on this meeting will be to ensure we prepare for the future fight, while ensuring we maintain the lessons learned from past conflicts.

g. COSCCC ABSTRACTS 1ST QUARTER 2023. Emergent exploratory thoracotomy with military casualties: contemporary prehospital management and outcome. Trends in prehospital pain management: two decades of point-of-injury care. Analysis of 983 civilian blast and ballistic casualties and the generation of a template of injury burden: An observational study. Six more articles in this abstract document.

h. UKR SITUATION CHALLENGES FOR MEDICAL SUPPORT AND LESSONS LEARNED. Unclassified brief agenda: Situational awareness, current needs / requests for support, Challenges related to medical support, lessons learned, Ukraine-NATO CAP (REHAB / IRPIN +).

4. Medical MILPERs, ALARACTS, Directives, Orders & Announcements


b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-440, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) SENIOR SERVICE COLLEGE (SSC) SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, ISSUED: [10/20/2023 1:44:11 PM]. This message announces the release schedule of the FY23 AC AMEDD SSC selection board results. Officers selected will be slated to attend SSC during the academic year 2024-25 (AY24-25). The selection board results will be prepositioned on 24 October 2023, and publicly released on 26 October 2023.

c. MILPER MESSAGE 23-438, RELEASE OF FISCAL YEAR 2025 (FY25) COLONEL (COL) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) SENIOR NOMINATIVE COMMAND (SNC) PANEL SLATE PREPOSITIONING AND ALTERNATE LIST, ISSUED: [10/19/2023 7:23:59 AM]. The prepositioning date will be 1 November 2023. The FY25 COL AMEDD SNC slate and alternate list will be publicly released on 2 November 2023 at 0900 EDT through the HRC, Health Services Division (HSD), Command Management section webpage.

5. Medical Positions WIAS, ARNG, USAR, AIM, SFAB, and Project Warrior

a. 981ST MED DET (PM), TPU,O-4/ 72D, COMMANDER VACANCY, SPOKANE, WA. Applications can be submitted either by email to S1, 145 Multifunctional medical Battalion. Applications can be submitted either by email to S1, 145 Multifunctional medical Battalion.

b. MEDCoE Vacancy Announcements - 01 November 2023. Eleven positions posted announcements closing between 1 and 19 November.

6. FORSCOM & EAB Casualty Response and Medical Operations

a. RELEASE OF 2023 JOINT PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE PROTOCOLS. The 2023 revision of the Joint Prehospital Emergency Care Protocols is published. I will again note that use of this Protocol is not required of 68W/18D not performing the EMS mission, which is owned by MEDCOM and sometimes delegated to AMC F&ES elements. However, there is nothing that stops the "Green Side" of the Army from using what works to support the Health Service Support mission. The JPECP comes with a Credentialing package for EMS Medical Directors - as noted by the National EMS Scope of Practice Model - EMS personnel should be Certified, Licensed, and Credentialed in order to practice. I've attached that here as well - I'm aware that topic remains of interest for the greater Army's 68W/18D personnel - and I continue to believe this is a potential COA.

b. ARMED SERVICES BLOOD PROGRAM IMMUNIZATIONS/INJECTIONS LIST 2023. NOTICE: The Department of Defense (DoD) assumes no risk for the use of this information by non-DoD personnel, blood programs, or individual medical institutions. The use of this information by DoD personnel is strictly for blood donor operations for the screening of blood donors. This list contains common FDA licensed vaccines but is not all inclusive. Note that AABB Standard 5.4.1A states that the donor deferral for unlicensed vaccine is 1 year.

c. ARMED SERVICES BLOOD PROGRAM TATTOO AND SEMI-PERMANENT/PERMANENT MAKE-UP LIST 2023. NOTE: The following criteria provided by AABB Reference Standard 5.4.1A, Requirements for Allogeneic Donor Qualification, were used to determine acceptability by state and/or U.S. Territories. Tattoos and Semi-permanent and/or Permanent Make-up (e.g., Microblading, Microshading, Ombre powder brows etc.) must be: (a) applied by a facility or entity that is licensed/regulated by the state and/or U.S. Territories, (b) that uses sterile/single-use needles, (c) and ink that has not been reused.

d. RANGER GROUP O LOW TITER (ROLO) FRESH WHOLE BLOOD PROGRAM. The use of WB for resuscitation has been shown to decrease mortality and morbidity in the combat wounded. Use of WB at the point of injury (POI) can decrease the mortality of "potentially survivable" casualties. Group O low titer WB is considered a "universal donor" due to the decreased likelihood of hemolytic reactions and overall safety. Rangers who are identified as Group O low titer donors are referred to as Ranger O Low Titer (ROLO).

7. Combat Medic Sustainment and MSTCs

a. MEDIC TABLES SKILLS QUALIFICATION SCENARIOS UPDATE WORKING GROUP. This Directorate of Simulation (DoS) working group is on track. The next phase is a proof of concept at selected accredited training sites including Fort McCoy MSTC, Fort Campbell MSTC, Fort Wainwright MSTC, Camp Dodge MSTC, and Madigan MCED. We are looking for more Hospital Education and Compo 2 & 3 sites. At the end of the proof of concept (2 Jan 24), the new template and scenarios will be adjusted as needed based on feedback before publishing on the CMSD TC 8-800 Resources page for use in evaluation across the force.

b. PFC PODCAST 154: TOURNIQUET CONVERSION WITH JAMIE. In this episode, we're diving into the topic of tourniquet conversion. With conflicts happening globally, it's crucial to understand the difference between tourniquet conversion and replacement. Conversion means finding an alternative to control bleeding when the tourniquet is no longer needed. Replacement involves swapping a tourniquet for a more effective one. Conversion timing depends on the tactical situation and patient's resuscitation status.

c. MODS UPDATE TO ALS/ACLS AND PALS CE HOURS. Effective 27 October 2023, MODS writers must select the Initial vs Refresher ALS-ACLS or PALS from the CEU drop down menu Initial courses award 16 CEs and Refresher awards 8 CEs. Additionally, ALS-ACLS must be added manually to the individual certifications drop down section.

d. DNBI AND TCCC SCENARIO WORKFLOW AND EVALUATION SHEETS. These documents have been developed to allow for new DNBI and TCCC scenarios to be created and evaluated using JTS and CMSD evaluations forms. I have provided the full functioning PDF and excel versions of these documents for your use as necessary.

8. Medical Courses

a. MEDIC MASTER TRAINER (MMT) COURSE. MMT is a 152-hour course that enables Medical NCOs to support the Army's medical mission from the Company to the Corps level. During the course, NCOs will learn how medical training and education management can be integrated into their unit's short and long-term training calendars. NCOs learn the ADDIE adult learning model, how to be an effective trainer, resources to enable training, and how to integrate medical training alongside current unit training plans while maintaining doctrinal principles. The goal of MMT is to produce master trainers who will provide competent, developed training plans, and act as advisors and experts when training Soldiers, Combat Medics, and supporting unit METLs.

b. MEDICAL EVACUATION DOCTRINE. This is a Mobile Capability (MC) course and can be delivered at the requesting unit's location. This course provides the knowledge and skills to effectively employ the Health Service Support (HSS) system in support of a combat maneuver brigade and the Operational Environment (OE) in full spectrum operations (conventional offensive and defensive campaigns as well as Stability and Civil Support Operations and the continuum of Operations, Joint and Multinational Operations in accordance with (IAW) current doctrine).

REVOKE MEMBERSHIP: If you no longer wish to be a member of A&L NET go to the A&L NET Home Page, look on the right side of the screen for the "Actions" box, and click on "Leave Community."

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