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Army A&L NET Message Summary - 31 Aug 23

A&L NET words displayed over the foggy interior of a military vehicle with two soldiers in combat uniform providing patient care and a radio mic in a hand
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1. A&L NET

a. Upcoming Events

(1) MEDCDID's Blood and Limited Objective Exercise (LOE) (JBSA ROC Drill Facility) 25-29 Sep 23

(2) MEDCoE Medical Warfighting Forum 4-5 OCT (Gateway Club, Lackland AFB)

(3) MED-CDID Role 2 Experimentation (JBSA ROC Drill Facility) 16-20 Oct 23

(4) Unveiling a New Therapy in 3L+ DLBCL 19 Oct 23

(5) MEDCDID's Dried Plasma TTX (JBSA ROC Drill Facility) 6-9 Nov 23

(6) IITSEC 2023 Annual Conference (Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL) 27 Nov - 1 Dec 23

(7) Army Medicine SGM Summit (ROC Drill Facility, JBSA) 27 Nov - 1 Dec 23

b. THE EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM NOBLE CAUSE, FLAWED SYSTEM JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY. The preeminent program whose purpose is to serve and care for the special needs of eligible families of Servicemembers is DOD’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). Concisely, the core of EFMP is the advocacy and facilitation of services to support the needs of Servicemembers and their dependents who require more acute or specialized care than may be available at military base ecosystems, and EFMP’s goal includes connecting people to these services. In execution, however, EFMP has foundational issues.

c. 59TH COMEDS PLENARY MEETING OSLO, NORWAY, 18–20 APRIL 2023. Please note there are some graphic pictures. One year of the war: Operational situation update. The Ukrainian medical support system developments in response to the war impact.

d. (NU) NATO MEDICAL REFERENCE GUIDE, VERSION 1, 25 AUGUST 2023. NATO Structure, NATO Command and Control, NATO Command Authorities, NATO Doctrine, Mechanism for Multinational Cooperation, NATO Multinational Divisions and Brigades, Tactical Planning for Land Forces, NATO Medical Staff Aims and Conceptual Model, NATO Operational Commands.

e. 529th ICTL Tracker Workbook. Here is a template ICTL tracker workbook for 68A, 68C, 68E, 68F, 68J, 68K, 68M, 68V, 68W, and 68X shared by SFC Whitney Rehkop.

f. Wilderness Medical Adventure, Education & Exploration in America's Southwest 24 CME Credits + FAWM credits. We invite you to join us this October in experiencing the ultimate adventure and an unforgettable journey in the rugged and stunningly beautiful canyon country! You can earn continuing medical education credits and/or FAWM credits while hiking, canyoneering, and camping in some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the American West. Click here to register and learn more or watch the video below. The registration deadline is September 15.

2. New and Updated Medical Regulations, CPGs, and Guidelines

a. INVASIVE FUNGAL INFECTION IN WAR WOUNDS CPG 17 JUL 2023 ID28. Clinically significant infections, including invasive fungal wound infections (IFIs), have occurred in the DoD’s wounded warrior patient population since the beginning of the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. During 2009-2010, a substantial increase in the incidence of IFIs was observed among military personnel with wounds sustained in Afghanistan, corresponding to a greater frequency of improvised explosive device blast injuries sustained while on foot patrol in Helmand and Kandahar provinces.

3. Discussions on Medical Case Studies, Research, Guidelines, and Updates

a. IMPACT OF CRITICAL CARE TRAINED FLIGHT PARAMEDICS ON CASUALTY SURVIVAL DURING HELICOPTER EVACUATION IN AFGHANISTAN. The US Army pioneered medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) by helicopter, yet its system remains essentially unchanged since the Vietnam era. Care is provided by a single combat medic credentialed at the Emergency Medical Technician Basic level. Treatment protocols, documentation, medical direction, and quality improvement processes are not standardized and vary significantly across US Army helicopter evacuation units.

b. ARMY FLIGHT MEDIC PERFORMANCE OF PARAMEDIC LEVEL PROCEDURES INDICATED VS PERFORMED. Background: There is great disparity in the education, experience, and staffing requirements for civilian and Army aeromedical transports (AMT). Objective: This study sought to determine if medical skills beyond the standard training for Army flight medics were indicated and being performed on Army AMT missions.

c. DHA INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR INTERFACILITY TRANSFERS 24 JUL 23. This memorandum establishes interim guidance for interfacility transfers (IFTs), defined as the movement of a patient, after initial assessment and stabilization, from and to a healthcare facility for definitive care. The most common forms of IFT include the transfer of the patient by ground or air transport to or from: a) hospital-to-hospital; b) clinic-to-hospital; c) hospital-to-rehabilitation; or d) hospital-to-long-term care.

d. DRIED PLASMA - AN URGENT PRIORITY FOR TRAUMA READINESS ( 6 JUN 23). Dried Plasma is coming to the Role 1 in the near future. Likely by the end of 2025 or early 2026. By Teleflex and product name EZPLAZ. s the US military pivots from years of low-intensity counter-insurgency operations to preparation for large-scale combat operations against a near-peer competitor, the realities of providing medical care to thousands of casualties are sobering.

4. Medical MILPERs, ALARACTS, Directives, Orders & Announcements

a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-331, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2023 COLONEL (COL), ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD), ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES (ARNGUS), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR), AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR), COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES (CC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [8/16/2023 12:55:17 PM]. This message announces the release of the results for subject Promotion Selection Boards (PSB). The Prepositioning Release date is 22 Aug 23, between 0900-1300 EDT. The official promotion list will be released at 0730 EDT, 24 Aug 23.

5. Medical Positions WIAS, ARNG, USAR, AIM, SFAB, and Project Warrior

a. IMA Opportunities (BEST KEPT SECRET) in the Army Reserves. Medical Readiness Command, West are still looking for SMs to fill these IMA slots within the formation. Please be advised that this is an IMA assignment not a tour. SM can still apply for tours as an IMA SM in Tour of Duty. If interested please reach out and provide your unit commander information so I can generate the DA 4651 for signature and approval. Also, I am the IMA Coordinator for Medical Readiness Command, West (AMEDD POSITIONS ONLY).

b. COLORADO AGR ANNOUNCEMENT 23-184, NUCLEAR MEDICAL SCIENCE OFFICER. Job Title: Nuclear Medical Science Officer. 8th Civil Support Team (Cst).

c. MEDCOE VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTS - 30 AUGUST 2023. Our MEDCoE vacancies posted in USAJobs. To answer those of you who have asked the question, “Does MEDCoE ever open their vacancies to the public, yes we do! See below! 5 Position openings closing between 31 Aug and 30 Sep.

6. FORSCOM & EAB Casualty Response and Medical Operations

a. EXPIRED MEDICATION EXTENSION MEMO EXAMPLE. MEMORANDUM FOR Record. SUBJECT: Temporary Shelf Life Extension of Ketamine Hydrochloride.

b. TRANSFUSION SERVICE DAILY TEMPERATURE AND ALARM MONITORING OF REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, PLATELET INCUBATORS & ROOM TEMPERATURE. Purpose: To describe the procedure for performance of daily temperature and alarm monitoring of refrigerators, freezers and platelet incubators to ensure these storage equipment maintain the appropriate storage temperatures and the alarm systems work appropriately when temperatures reach the set alarm alert temperatures.

7. Combat Medic Sustainment and MSTCs

a. ROLE 1 LIMITED OBJECTIVE EXPERIMENT (LOE) BRIEFING SLIDES AUG 23. Medical Capability Development Integration Directorate (MED CDID) conducts a Role 1 LOE 28-31 August 2023. Briefs from each day are attached to this post.

b. 68W LIMITED OBJECTIVE EXPERIMENT (LOE) BRIEFS 2023. The MEDCoE 68W LOE (previously 68W summit) was changed to enable actionable outcomes for forward progress. Day 1 briefs and working group outbrief slides during the 68W LOE are attached below.

c. 68W SUMMIT VIDEO BRIEFS 2022. Videos of the 2022 68W Summit area compiled and available for view here.

d. PROLONGED CARE AUGMENTATION DETACHMENT (PCAD) EXPERIMENT PATIENT SCENARIOS ADDED TO DIRECTORATE OF SIMULATION (DOS) PAGE. These patient scenarios were designed for 72 hours post operative patient hold prolonged care for a Prolonged Care Augmentation Squad (PCAS).

e. PODCAST 146: VERSED AND PROCEDURAL SEDATION WITH KEVIN AND PAUL PFC.ORG. This episode, is all about “Versed.” We’ve got Kevin and Paul here, chatting about patient positioning and the intricacies of using Versed, a benzodiazepine, for sedation. They touch on how different patients react to the drug, emphasizing the art of medicine over strict calculations, especially in challenging scenarios. The podcast delves into dosing strategies, dealing with hemodynamically unstable patients, and the complexities of maintaining sedation during procedures. Remember, every patient is unique, so adapt the approach accordingly. We also get into patient positioning for procedural sedation and using the reversal agent, romazicon (flumazenil.)

f. THE SOCS-P TACTICAL TIMEOUT WITH CASPER AND PAUL: ARTICLE, CHECKLIST, AND EPISODE 145 SHOW NOTES PFC.ORG. In our work within the domain of Special Operations medicine, situational awareness, precise coordination and effective decision-making are key factors for success. Whether it is in the high-stakes realm of aviation or the critical environment of the operating room, the implementation of time-outs has proven to be a valuable practice. These time-outs provide a structured approach for teams to pause, reassess, and align their actions, ensuring that everyone involved is fully informed and prepared for the tasks at hand. The Tactical Time-out Format brings this concept to the SOF-medical setting.

g. DOS 68W SUSTAINMENT AND SYSTEMS PROJECTS AND UPDATES. Dos is currently working on the following projects: Repository for force produced didactic training material and supporting documents; Repository for training casualty scenarios; CMSD milSuite site align with TC 8-800 requirements (add lesson plans) TC8-800 Slides & Lesson Plans (MEDIC); Update testing scenario database (DoS Working Group Join conversation) etc….

h. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUPPORT DOS WORKING GROUPS AND PROJECTS IN SUPPORT OF THE 68W? The Directorate of Simulation is looking for personnel interested in joining a DoS working group list. This list will be added to the DoS working groups MS Teams group and will be used to request for help from the force within working groups that will shape the Army and the 68W. A few of the upcoming working group topics will include TC 8-800 rewrite, MEDIC Tables Skills Validation Scenario updates, MEDIC Tables Skills Validation Evaluation Form updates, MEDIC Tables Lesson Plans, and medical simulation device accreditation.

i. NEEDLE DECOMPRESSION, TRAUMA INDUCED HYPOCALCEMIA, IMPACT OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS MEDICS ON MILITARY MEDICAL STUDENT TRAINING FROM THE JOURNAL OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS MEDICINE PODCAST SUMMER 2023. JSOM Guest Medic Editor, SO1 Brentyn Jones is a Navy SEAL/SOCM, currently, working in the Tactical Medical Training Department. He will be reviewing Prevalence of Trauma-Induced Hypocalcemia in the Prehospital Setting. JSOM Guest Author Interview, Patrick Thompson is affiliated with the Trauma, Hemostasis & Oxygenation Research Network, Bergen, Norway. He will be reviewing Risk of Harm in Needle Decompression for Tension Pneumothorax. CPT Josh Randles will review The Impact of Special Operations Medics and Corpsmen on Military Medical Student Training: A Qualitative Study.

j. SCMH MEDIC TRAINING DIDACTIC SLIDES 2018. ere are some Medic training slides created by an SCMH team in 2018.

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