We have one of, if not the, biggest collection of NCOER and award bullets available. We offer those to you in a tidy package with workbooks that make your life easier. We are not satisfied with our current collection, and we want yours!
We are asking for NCOER bullets from the current system, award bullets from every type of award, and counseling template examples for common issues on the new counseling form dated March 2023 (PII/PHI excluded).
We compensate in the following listed manner for each item. Unique defined here is an example that is not currently in our collection. We do not consider examples that are different by only a block or a few words to be unique.
Unique Award bullet or citation
1-12 unique examples - discount code for store purchase or free enrollment into lifetime updates of our Award Bullets Tool.
36+ unique examples - $1 per bullet and discount code for store purchase.
Unique NCOER bullet, rater comment, or senior rater comment
1-36 unique examples - discount code for store purchase or free enrollment into lifetime updates of our NCOER Bullets Tool.
36+ unique examples - $1 per bullet and discount code for store purchase.
Unique Counseling Template $1(please sanitize all names, PII, and PHI before submission)
We are looking for counseling templates under the following topics:
1. Absence for Annual Training Army Counseling
2. Absence from Battle Assembly Army Counseling
3. Absence from Place of Duty Army Counseling
4. Alcohol Abuse (other than DUI) Army Counseling
5. Annual Dental - Failure to Schedule Army Counseling
6. Annual Dental - Need to Schedule Army Counseling
7. APFT Failure (Diagnostic) Army Counseling
8. APFT Failure (Record 1st Time) Army Counseling
9. APFT Failure (Record 2nd Time) Army Counseling
10. ASAP Failure Army Counseling
11. ASAP Failure - Self Referral Army Counseling
12. Bar to Continued Service Counseling (Initiation)
13. Bar to Continued Service Counseling (Review)
14. Body Composition Counseling (Completion)
15. Body Composition Counseling (Follow-up)
16. Body Composition Counseling (Unsatisfactory Progress)
17. Dereliction of Duty Counseling
18. Disobeying Lawful Order Counseling
19. Disrespect To Officer Or NCO Counseling
20. Driving Under Influence Counseling
21. Drug Abuse Counseling
22. EO Violation Counseling
23. Ethics or Conflict of Interest Counseling
24. Failure-to-Report Army Counseling
25. Failure-to-Use-Chain-of-Command Army Counseling
26. False Statement Counseling
27. Family Care Plan Counseling
28. Flag-Action-Lifted Army Counseling
29. Fraternization or Inappropriate Relationship Counseling
30. Government Credit Card Debt Counseling
31. Government Property Loss or Damage Counseling
32. Government Vehicle Misuse Army Counseling
33. Hazing and Bullying Counseling
34. Hazing Counseling
35. Improper-Inappropriate-Relationships
36. Indebtedness and Bad Check Counseling
37. Inefficiency Counseling
38. Information Security Violation Counseling
39. Investigation Counseling
40. Missing-Scheduled-Appointment Army Counseling
41. Negligent Discharge Counseling
42. No Contact Order Counseling
43. Nonsupport Of Dependents Counseling
44. Off-Duty-Employment Army Counseling
45. Other Misconduct Counseling
46. Overweight-Initial Army Counseling
47. Overweight-Monthly Army Counseling
48. Overweight-NCOES Army Counseling
49. Professional Growth Counseling
50. Promotion Non-selection Counseling
51. Promotion Screening Counseling
52. Reception and Integration Counseling
53. Record-APFT-Failure Army Counseling
54. Safety Violation Counseling
55. Safety Counseling
56. School Screening Counseling
57. Sexual Harassment Counseling
58. Soldier-Debt-Issues Army Counseling
59. Traffic Violation (Other Than DUI Or Safety) Counseling
60. Uniform & Personal Appearance Counseling