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NCOER bullets for Character

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

125 Character bullets for Adherence to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, Discipline, SHARP, EO, EEO

We offer the largest collection of NCOER bullets for your use. These bullets have been pulled off of approved NCOERs and all of them can be found in our free NCOER Bullet Tool found in the tools section of our website.

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Example bullets broke down by topic, additional duties, and MOS. Plus, you get lifetime updates. Enjoy!

Met Standard

dedicated to the Army's SHARP program

presented a can do attitude, regardless of the task

maintained high standards; focuses on proficiency and correctness

extremely devoted NCO who accomplished all tasks with superb results

maintained high moral and ethical standards on and off duty

set the example by taking initiative and accepting responsibility

established a workplace environment and overall command climate fostering dignity and respect for all team members; fully supports SHARP

fully supported the Army SHARP/EO programs fostering an environment free of harassment through dedicated training and by example

established and maintained the highest standard of excellence for himself and the unit; deeply respected by every Soldier, NCO, and officer in the company

selfless service beyond reproach; completely dedicated to the mission and Soldiers

exceptionally unselfish in commitment to subordinates, unit, and mission

demonstrated sincere caring for Soldiers by inspiring and developing performance through counseling and NCOPDs

committed to excellence by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to Soldiers, while completing 100% of all tasks

uses the Army values as everyday teaching points to enhance Soldiers’ understanding and compliance

consistently demonstrated loyalty to the Army Values and the profession of arms regardless of the situation

uses the Warrior Ethos to teach unit actions to newly assigned personnel

displayed genuine care and concern for Soldiers and their Families; eager to support personal and professional growth of subordinates though challenging training and course work

demonstrated maturity and self-control when under pressure; displayed a high level of maturity and responsibility

demonstrated a love and passion for serving his Army; dedicated to the Army way of life and being a model of discipline and Army values

contributed his talents to the local senior citizens’ home by volunteering numerous hours of personal time teaching piano lessons

guided all decisions based on Army values and principles; a diligent NCO whose courage and resolve permeated the unit; embodied the spirit of the profession of arms

exhibited moral reasoning daily; increased center’s awareness to act ethically in all situations; displayed honest concern for the health and welfare of his/her Soldiers

section was the only one to maintain Unit Safety Streamer; xx months and running

exposed corruption in the supply chain; disclosed $xxK in contractor fraud

effectively met and enforced standards; succeeded by taking appropriate initiative in applying the leader competencies and attributes

established an EO and SHARP platoon culture that was quickly emulated across the battalion; incidents fell by xx%

enforced the SHARP program; managed a positive command climate; ensured unit was trained on the importance of reporting and vast ramifications of unfavorable action

fostered a climate of dignity and respect by adhering to SHARP program; ensured the fair and respectful treatment of assigned personnel

identified SHARP deficiencies in the company and took appropriate steps to ensure guilty Soldiers received punishment; increased unit esprit de corps

got at the root cause of Soldier’s personal challenges; seeked effective solutions to change destructive behaviors

consistently demonstrated loyalty to the Army and the profession of arms regardless of situation furthering the Army as a profession; always chose the harder right

displayed genuine care and concern for Soldiers and their Families; eager to support personal and professional growth of subordinates

displayed a high level of responsibility in keeping with the Warrior Ethos and the Army as a profession; demonstrates maturity and self-control under pressure

a fiercely loyal and honorable NCO whose impeccable moral and ethical values serve as the standard for others to emulate; personifies Be, Know, Do

demonstrated unquestionable loyalty and integrity as a valued advisor to the NCOA Commandant on all NCOES matters

embodied selfless service; ensured duty obligations were fulfilled before giving consideration to personal needs; enabled organization to build trust and credibility

promoted a climate in which people are treated with dignity and respect regardless of their race, gender, creed, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs; unparalleled integrity

exhibited unwavering loyalty to subordinates, superiors, the unit and the Army

encouraged and inspired pride and loyalty in his subordinates

provided quality and timely professional development, advice, and guidance

a trusted leader and problem-solver in crisis

always chose the hard right over the easy wrong

at his best under pressure

decisive in ethical dilemmas

absolutely honest and dependable

strong team player

personal lifestyle epitomizes the total NCO

displays the highest level of integrity, loyalty and selfless service

never hesitates to offer advice; loyal to final decisions

uses leadership skills to employ individual differences to strengthen the section

not afraid to voice his opinion and stand up for what is right

dynamic noncommissioned officer committed to mission accomplishment and the welfare of Soldiers

totally loyal to superiors and subordinates' could be counted on for word and deed

always placed mission first; totally dedicated to his duties and the Army

candid and forthright with valuable advice for the benefit of the unit

took pride in her personal abilities and accomplishments

highly motivated Soldier striving for excellence, always displayed a positive demeanor; team player

always professional and loyal to his subordinates, superiors, and the command

extremely disciplined and dedicated to mission accomplishment

exhibits the highest standards of loyalty and personal courage

creates opportunities for individuals to learn about each other

is empathetic when dealing with Soldiers

respected by all members of this command

always fair and honest

a true team player

his word is his bond

possessed the candor and courage to voice his opinion and stand up for what is right

hard worker, dependable, and totally dedicated to the mission and the Army

had the courage, conviction, and ability to overcome fear

successfully mentored previously uncooperative Soldiers to be respectful of others

approached all situations with an open mind

enforced strict adherence to Army Regulations

possessed the highest degree of integrity and moral conviction

a faithful and loyal leader who cares about the mission and his Soldiers

totally dedicated to the support of the academy's mission

does not tolerate abusive or demeaning behavior

displays the highest stands of loyalty and integrity

always honest and fair regardless of the situation

a no-nonsense leader; direct and to the point

honor is his watchword

dependable and committed to mission accomplishment

his Soldiers respected and appreciated his caring attitude; always treated them with dignity and respect

possessed the highest standards of integrity and moral conviction

possesses flawless integrity

respected as an honorable Soldier

can be trusted in both word and deed

did not hesitate to address unfair perceptions, statements, or actions

utilizes individual differences to strengthen the overall team

instills respect of other cultures, customs, and religions in his Soldiers

always exercises sound judgment; thrives under pressure

displays unwavering moral courage and conviction when confronted with ethical dilemmas

epitome of integrity and reliability

sets and maintains the highest standards of honor and trustworthiness

personal conduct is always beyond reproach

totally dedicated to the Army's mission

willing sacrifices personal interests to benefit the ideals of the nation and the Army

an honorable Soldier who instills the Army values in his subordinates

mentors Soldiers to develop honor, courage, and commitment

places dedication and commitment to the goals and mission of the Army and nation above personal welfare

maintains the highest standards of integrity and demands the same from others

Did Not Meet Standard

failed to enforce Army policies, unit morale declined; poor work environment/negative conduct resulted in a substantiated EO complaint

failed to fulfill his leadership’s intent for positive and appropriate EO practices and integrity; exhibits poor judgment without consideration of results

failed to support EO; encouraged a work environment of gender discrimination

exhibited poor leadership; retaliated against a Soldier making an EO complaint

was the subject of a substantiated EO complaint/retaliated against a Soldier making an EO complaint

failed to support SHARP initiatives; committed an act of sexual harassment/sexual assault; severely lacks moral judgment

failed to enforce Army policies creating a poor work environment resulting in a substantiated EO complaint/SHARP violation

failed to maintain accountability of Soldiers under his supervision; fabricated status reports

falsified the duty log skipping required checks to play video games

frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness

demonstrated poor judgment on duty; reported to staff duty intoxicated

incapable of deciding the right actions to take, both morally and ethically

consistently failed to adhere to rules, regulations, or SOPs which led to conflicts with the Army Values and adversely affected the organization

failed to display integrity in his actions; multiple infractions of Army regulations and policies resulted in removal from leadership position

repeatedly unwilling to assist Soldiers with resolving problems or personal issues

possessed the highest rate of unresolved or poorly resolved Soldier issues and concerns among his peers due to a direct lack of effort

fails to address subordinates’ requests for help with personal issues

immaturity contributed to a perceived of a lack of empathy; viewed as unapproachable by Soldiers within the squad/crew/platoon/company/troop

did not serve as a steward of the profession of arms; lacked empathy and support for Soldiers in his charge and their Families

rated NCO fails to meet or maintain the required Army standards and organizational goals

actions frequently had a negative effect on the mission, their Soldiers, the unit, and the Army

Take advantage of our exclusive promotion! For a limited time, if you provide us with new unique NCOER or awards bullets, we will refund or provide a credit for a single NCOER Bullet Tool or Awards Bullet Tool purchase. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to save. Thank you for your support and consideration.

To be eligible for the refund or coupon, you must provide one of the following:

Five (5) awards bullets listed by the award type that are not already in the award bullet tool workbook.

Ten (10) NCOER bullets listed by the evaluation type (SGT, SSG, SFC, etc.) that are not already in the NCOER bullet tool workbook.

If you have a large collection of bullets, you may be eligible to receive payment for each new bullet. Please contact us if you are interested.

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