150 Leads NCOER bullets for Leads others, Extends influence beyond the chain of command, Leads by example, Communicates
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Example bullets broke down by topic, additional duties, and MOS. Plus, you get lifetime updates. Enjoy!
Met Standard
unafraid; willing to operate outside own capacity for the challenge to remain competent and ready
continually seeks ways to improve functional areas metrics/operations
succesfully led squad to participate in multiple rapid deployment operations
mentored a substandard Soldier to pass APFT by increasing his score by xx
scored 300 on most recent APFT earning the Army Physical Fitness Badge
performed all squad missions and tasks while assuming duties as the squad leader for more than x months of rated period
built squad confidence through counseling, demonstration, and practical exercises
motivated his Soldiers to endure by leading from the front during a 20 km foot-march in harsh weather; his entire team finished within time standards without incident
competed for NCO of the Quarter to demonstrate initiative and self-improvement; motivated the entire team to compete for Soldier of the Quarter
takes necessary actions to ensure Soldiers’ concerns and needs are addressed and resolved allowing for increased trust, confidence, and commitment to the unit
constantly assessed risk during night tactical movement and implemented mitigation measures to ensure crew safety while accomplishing the mission
displayed the ability to relate to peers and subordinates developing a sense of respect and mutual trust among his team
supervised the installation and testing of an antenna system at a remote site; saved the organization $xxK in installation fees
leads by example in the pursuit of excellence; worked extended hours on numerous occasions to ensure on-time task completion
recognized with the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for volunteering more than xxx hours of his personal time to the local community
was instrumental in the successful completion of range density week by instructing PMI on the M4/M16 range achieving a xx% qualifying rate
deployed x Soldiers in her squad to NTC to assist in successful draw and turn in of xx items of equipment
demeanor and leadership influenced the tribal council to accept coalition assistance; defeated the insurgent stronghold
coached and mentored Soldiers; allowed them opportunities to serve in and learn from positions of greater responsibility
instilled a ‘team first’ mentality within the section; led by example
a master of weapons training able to transform gun crews into Top Guns
hand-selected to serve as team/squad leader over xx other highly qualified junior NCOs based on dedication and commitment
led his squad to achieve the highest score during battalion competitions
influenced and mentored x Soldiers thru ALC; x made the commandant’s list
ensured staff met high standards of the NCOA while not neglecting family obligations
instilled the need for leader development through monthly NCODP meetings and seminars
effectively managed platoon members ensuring SSD1 and SSD2 completion through counseling and visual inspections of completion
attends courses to gain a greater perspective facilitating better discussion
conducts PRT with units to gage fitness standards of troops and leaders
fostered high morale in the unit; Soldiers willingly tackle any challenge under his leadership
standards-based leader; uses disciplined training management processes to ensure mission success
created a harmonious work relationship in his section; resolved internal conflicts to ensure maximum efficiency
keeps platoon informed of requirements through squad leaders; every member consequently has the same information
ensured the platoon was informed and complied with suspenses in preparation for missions
integrated multiple slice elements and molded them into an effective, efficient support team which provided essential services for deployed Soldiers
had x Soldiers selected as Battalion Soldier/NCO of the Quarter, directly linked to training and mentorship
developed a sense of mutual trust and respect within his platoon and the organization; displayed genuine interest for his Soldiers and their Families; a true team builder
constantly assessed risk and implemented mitigation measures during night tactical movement to ensure the safety of his crew while accomplishing the mission
capitalized on individual strengths to build an effective organization; integrated new Soldiers to the unit and rapidly assimilated them
consistently communicated with her Soldiers; ensured each Soldier understood assigned roles and the importance of the mission
fostered a learning environment free of sexual assault and sexual harassment; created a climate of dignity and respect for all Soldiers
supported the Army’s EO and SHARP programs by fostering an environment free of discrimination and harassment through training and personal example
coordinated and supervised x health and welfare inspections enabling commanders to maintain good order and discipline of their units
dedicated to Soldier welfare; created positive climate of trust, teamwork, and duty satisfaction
integrated x new Soldiers to the unit and trained them in LLVI operations using unit SOPs and prior combat experience; capitalized on individual strengths
spearheaded the collection, inventory, and turn in of more than $xxx worth of outdated or unserviceable equipment resulting in zero loss for the section
possesses the mental ability to train and lead; continues to mentor and educate to develop skills for operating at a higher capacity in the future
assumed duties as deputy commandant with skill and finesse, quickly assessing and understanding doctrine, NCOA procedures, and vital relationships
was able to instill a ‘team first’ mentality within the section; a charismatic leader
displays superior self-confidence which motivates subordinates to achieve high standards
Exceeded Standard
selected as the Battalion Drill Sergeant of the Quarter
eagerly passed lessons learned to other units to ensure success throughout the organization
routinely invites wounded warriors to unit leader development sessions to discuss resiliency and PTSD concerns
built a climate of trust where every member focuses on a common goal; this did not exist previously
maintained a mission readiness rate of xx% while conducting 24-hour operations in one of the most challenging operational and strategic environments
competed for and attained induction into the prestigious Sergeant Audie Murphy Club
x of his xx Soldiers were selected as Battalion (Soldier/NCO) of the Quarter, directly responsible through training and mentorship
hand selected to serve as 1SG over xx other highly qualified NCOs based on his/her extensive and diverse knowledge
integrated a rehabilitative transfer Soldier and made him a productive member of the platoon; demonstrated persistence, patience, and empathy
intuitively grasped inherent requirements during missions allowing the commander to focus on the larger scope of operations; took decisive action without further guidance
communicated a clear understanding of missions and their importance; ensured full understanding at the lowest level through rehearsals and back briefs
recognized with the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for volunteering more than xxx hours of personal time to the local community
led platoon during a complex attack directing fires on enemy positions while maintaining command and control of dismounted elements; multiple valorous awards were earned
superbly served as Commandant, NCOA during the commandant’s extended absence; a highly skilled leader capable of greater responsibility
superbly managed the NCOA and proved to be an inspiring motivator creating a cohesive, dynamic team of SGLs invigorating instructor and student performance
led x cycles of AC and RC SLC and ALC courses resulting in highly engaging, relevant training for more than xxx NCOs
prepared all subordinates for increased leadership responsibilities; sought for his/her sage advice and counsel; x of his/her Soldiers earned below-zone promotions
placed long-term success over short-term gain and understood the second- and third-order effects of leadership decisions; unit increased xx% METL efficiency versus FYXX
flawlessly served as the Brigade Operations Sergeant Major for xx days in the absence of the SGM; resulted in no loss of momentum in training or operations
outstanding leader whose qualities and respect enabled his selection over x senior noncommissioned officers to fill the first sergeant position for xx days
faced with an increasing non-mission capable equipment rate, determined deficiencies, resourced outside assistance, and corrected them
company known across the installation as the standard bearer; dominates most unit competitions
leads from the front; can lead at current level as well as higher levels
created a plan and set goals to train his section on the unit’s METL tasks, resulting in a “T” rating on x of xx tasks in the last training quarter
trained xxx Soldiers on current IED threats and enemy TTPs, enhancing their explosives safety and IED awareness; increased Soldiers’ battlefield survivability
during an attack at NTC, he took charge of the remnants of 3 platoons and secured the BN objective
led his men to beat eight of the nine rifle squads in a Company Biathlon in Alaska
in 12 months, five of his recruiters earned the Recruiter Ring, the command's highest award
received commendation from Battalion CSM for his Soldiers' appearance and performance during company BCI
barracks selected as the post representative in the TRADOC Community of Excellence Competition
motivated and trained three soldiers to achieve Soldier of the Quarter
coached National Guard unit to max First Army training evaluation
catalyst during the FY91 Command Inspection, 17 areas were rated as outstanding
took an inherited unsatisfactory section to a commendable rating at JRTC
instrumental in his platoon receiving a 98% first-time pass rate in weapons qualification
received Best Team rating during JRTC as a direct result of his astute leadership abilities
his leadership and expertise assisted the battalion in winning the USAREUR Supply Excellence Award
motivated entire squad to qualify expert with assigned weapon
improved unit morale by planning, coordinating, and executing trips for entire unit and family members
commended by 21st TAACOM CSM for improving Quality of Life environment for single soldiers in barracks
rewrote, edited, collected, and published a 600 page TACSOP in 2 months including many after-duty hours
developed outstanding command retention program for FY92, cited a best in the MACOM
planned and conducted a two day AER Run-a-Thon collecting over $500.00 in donations
was selected to be installation 1SG over 19 other NCOs senior to her
mentored a civilian employee selected as Civilian of the Year and another selected as first runner-up for Civilian of the Quarter
coached the maintenance section to a first place finish on a Brigade 3rd Quarter Maintenance Inspection
led committee to win TRADOC Commander's Award for Excellence for an Outdoor Training Facility
supervised 106 enlisted personnel from 7 work sites located 5 to 50 miles from main hospital
his platoon rifle marksmanship program resulted in 17 experts out of 21 personnel
in the absence of an officer, commanded the detachment on two separate missions at JRTC
Far Exceeded Standard
implemented training that resulted in 25 percent achievement of the Expert Field Medical Badge across the section
guided team to complete 460 hours of correspondence, 43 hours of college, and self development training for advancement
volunteered more than xxx hours with youth services to mentor xx at-risk teens
scored 300 on most recent APFT
earned his associate’s/bachelor’s/master’s degree in _____ with a x.x GPA
oversaw committee preparation training more than xxxx cadets at West Point
one of the most trusted leaders in the unit; built impeccable internal and external professional relationships extending influence outside the chain of command
has the uncanny ability to balance Soldier needs with missions; his Soldiers have the highest morale and combat effectiveness of the organization
leads the most disciplined unit in the organization; knows his Soldiers, mitigates risk by enforcing standards and holds individuals accountable for their actions
section received Top Gun award for receiving highest scores during section certifications
exhibited an unrelenting pursuit of excellence; selected as the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence Non-Commissioned Officer Academy NCO of the quarter
selected as detachment sergeant, a position one rank above his own and ahead of peers, without any shortcomings
earned coin of excellence from the TRADOC Command Sergeant Major for his exceptional performance as deputy commandant and the betterment of NCO learning
his/her company was recognized by the BDE commander as having the best overall training and medical readiness statistics during x quarterly training briefs
consistently sought for advice and input by members of the command; well-respected throughout the brigade for his knowledge and experience
used a mix of influence techniques depending upon the situation and audience to build a team of teams; recognized as a leader among leaders
restructured and retrained company following redeployment quickly rebuilding capabilities; maintained morale, discipline and esprit de corps despite personnel turmoil
reset his platoon xx days after redeployment from _____, enabling a team to deploy to _____ supporting x missile units defending against regional threats
served in a SGM position as a MSG while his unit deployed to _____ for xx months, returned with no incidents and high morale
selected to perform duties as platoon sergeant; obtained excellent results
led NCOA through TRADOC accreditation and earned the Institute of Excellence rating
as deputy commandant, motivated SGLs to earn x BAIBs and x SAIBs as part of the IDRP; an engaged senior leader always seizing opportunities for SGLs
led x separate areas deprived of a first line supervisor; achieved xx% of assigned missions; effective communication skills enhanced organizational effectiveness
one of x MSGs selected Army-wide to lead in the Army Research Institutes Test Program Advisory Team to discuss critical attributes for Soldier MOS selections
led team to exceed mission requirements for drill sergeants, AIT platoon sergeants, and recruiters
Did Not Meet Standard
demonstrated behavior inconsistent with Army Values by driving under the influence of alcohol with a BAC of 0.086%
failed to conduct proper risk assessments or react when risk factors increased; resulted in x Soldiers injured during the rating period
routinely failed to supervise Soldiers conducting PMCS during inclement weather
fails to effectively communicate with subordinates causing mission failure
exhibited poor rapport with Soldiers providing ineffective supervision and delegation of responsibilities
failed to keep Soldiers informed; information dissemination inconsistent and lacking in both content and context; Soldiers lack trust and confidence in the command
failed to adequately prepare/conduct scheduled M249 Squad Automatic Weapon training, required another team leader to train his Soldiers on the weapon system
failed to communicate and enforce published safety standards in the unit motor pool; x vehicles were damaged when his parked vehicle rolled into another
Soldiers lacked guidance and direction evidenced by multiple mission failures due to a lack of physical presence; whereabouts frequently suspectre
moved from leadership position for failure to supervise and lead Soldiers
lacks confidence, managerial skills, and ability to make immediate decisions without supervisor guidance
Soldier's flaccid leadership style degraded squad morale by failing to provide guidance, support, or confidence to his subordinates
allowed Soldiers to take short cut in training resulting in the first training injury in x years
training shortcuts resulted in significant equipment damage; greatly reduced the unit’s capacity to conduct its tactical mission
failed to support chain of command and NCO support channel leading to a toxic environment; lacks the trust of superiors and subordinates
failed to take responsibility for the actions of Soldiers under his charge; allowed Soldiers to sleep during guard duty
betrayed the trust and loyalty of peers and subordinates alike by fabricating maintenance records
demonstrated behavior inconsistent with Army Values by driving under the influence of alcohol with a BAC of 0.08+%
drinking off-duty with junior Soldiers demonstrated poor judgment inconsistent with Army Values
failed to conduct proper risk assessments or react when risk factors increased leading to x injured Soldiers
failed to address concerns and monitor risk factors affecting team members resulting in mission deterioration; undermined the trust of subordinates
information dissemination was inconsistent and often untimely; resulted in a lack of trust among subordinates and supervisors
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