150 Presence bullets for Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience
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Example bullets broke down by topic, additional duties, and MOS. Plus, you get lifetime updates. Enjoy!
Met Standard
maintained DA and unit mandated tasks for the platoon ensuring accountability and readiness for over 30 Soldiers
maintained impeccable military bearing and appearance even when placed in high-stress situations and working long hours
maintains the appropriate level of fitness to accomplish the mission and demands the same of his Soldiers
completed assigned tasks on time and put forth adequate effort toward ensuring his/her duties and responsibilities met leader expectations
displays self-confidence, composure, and mission focus while under duress; inspired squad/crew/platoon/company through his actions, judgment, and bearing
maintained mission focus despite harsh environmental conditions and high OPTEMPO; demonstrated endurance during prolonged combat operations
loyal and honorable NCO with impeccable moral and ethical values; the personification of "Be, Know, Do"
set the example for his peers and subordinates to follow displaying the highest level of mental and physical toughness
lead from the front of his company, constantly sought physically challenging events on his own time to increase his overall fitness level and inspire subordinates
ensured no security violations occurred while sanitizing hundreds of classified documents for dissemination
displayed the ability to adapt to changing situations; relied on intuition, experience, knowledge and input from subordinates; accomplished assigned missions
demonstrated ability to meet established standards; achieved mission success, displayed confidence and focus under stress; improved unit capabilities
presented impeccable military bearing regardless of the situation; exemplifies the meaning of pride and professionalism
projected self-confidence, authority, and enthusiasm in every assigned mission; tactful in dealing with leaders and Soldiers
accepted many adverse situations and overcame them with the drive and determination, compelling others to do the same
sharp looking NCO, always set the example
extremely motivated and competitive NCO who instills a fighting, winning attitude in those around him
exemplified standards of dress and appearance
exceeded division standard by completing 20K road march in 3 hours
maintained the mental and physical toughness to accomplish any mission, anywhere
maintained appearance and military bearing in highest order
excellent military bearing and appearance; worked hard to set the standard for all to follow throughout the American Family in KFOR
confident and mentally tough NCO
displays confidence and enthusiasm under stressful conditions
unmatched physical stamina and endurance serving on back to back offensive and defensive missions during CMTC rotations
exhibited superb confidence and infectious enthusiasm with every task/mission without regard to level of difficulty
displayed strength of character, doesn't buckle under pressure
went the distance to achieve the best
demonstrated excellent stamina, endurance, and military bearing throughout rigorous training
displays confidence and recognizes the importance of military appearance and bearing
spearheaded high level ability group PT, promoting espirit-de-corps while providing challenging physical training
emphasis on challenging physical fitness program resulted in unit APFT average of 262
led from the front; maintained impeccable military bearing, appearance and mental toughness
possessed steadfast stamina under the stress and OPTEMPO of four-star theater headquarters
encouraged subordinates to excel in physical training
the platoon/section APFT scores increased by 18% due to his tough PT program
stayed fit and mentally tough despite a tremendous workload, a demanding schedule and 10 hour days
runs PT with his soldiers everyday, can still beat most of them
always set the example for his Soldiers through personal appearance
sustained a rigorous personal physical fitness program despite working countless hours on the night shift
displays a confident and enthusiastic attitude that motivates others
possessed physical and mental stamina to complete any mission
demonstrated excellent stamina, endurance, and mental toughness; never quit and never lets his Soldiers quit
physically fit Soldier with strong stamina; mentally tough
maintained fitness while on demanding, rotating shift schedule
presents the physical epitome of an NCO
displayed great tenacity and bearing during stressful situations

Exceeded Standard
developed and implemented a rigorous physical training plan resulting in his squad continually exceeding the company standard
increased PT score by 28 points in only five months
led from the front; exceeded unit standard of 250 on APFT
earned the Army Physical Fitness Badge
selected to serve as Emergency Care Squad Leader over six peers
displayed a high level of physical fitness by consistently scoring 250+ on the APFT with 80+ in each event
improved the platoon physical fitness program which led to a xxx APFT average, an increase of x
raised the company APFT average by xx after implementing an aggressive approach for supervising and conducting daily physical training
rigid enforcement of AR 600-9 standards led to x Soldiers being removed from the Army Body Composition Program; platoon APFT average rose by xx to xxx
resilient leader who fostered organizational focus; exemplified adherence to standards through appearance, demeanor, and actions
conducted a rigorous physical training regimen; resulted in xx NCOs scoring in the top 10% of the company; increased unit’s strength and endurance
supervised a rigorous PRT program; resulted in a 100% APFT pass rate for all unit Soldiers during rated period
chosen by the CSM to lead the BDE color guard due to his exceptional commanding presence, appearance, and bearing
recognized by OC/T for having constant presence and confident demeanor despite grueling OPTEMPO during NTC Rotation xx-xx; inspired the entire troop
during Rotation xx-x after losing the platoon leader, took decisive action to regroup platoon and destroy OPFOR main body without further loss
selected over x other NCOs as the Battalion/Brigade NCO of the Quarter
scored 297 on APFT; set the standard for the platoon to follow
awarded the Army Physical Fitness Badge; scored 283 on the APFT
maintained a team APFT average of 294
was Post racquetball Championship runner-up
won post boxing championship
selected as MVP for base level softball team
biked across Georgia; 468 miles in 6 days
conducted a challenging and rigorous platoon PT program which resulted in a platoon average of 270; highest in company
developed a rigorous PT program which resulted in improvement of section APFT scores from an average of 224 to an average of 246
selected as Tooele Army Depot's Athlete of the Year
his platoon averaged 286 points on the APFT due to his training
selected as US Army Europe's NCO of the Year
through his example and leadership the company average on last two APFTs was above 270
competed and consistently placed 1st with battalion cross country team
qualified for a position on the US Army Parachute Team
improved APFT score by 40 points
raised the platoon PT average score by 50%
a dynamic and energetic NCO who excels in all areas, routinely scores above 290 on each APFT and sets the example for all
achieved the highest score in the company in the most recent Silver Streamer APFT scoring 357 on the extended scale
graduated Ranger, Airborne, Air Assault, and Combat Leaders courses at 41 years of age
rehabilitated blown out knee and won Physical Fitness Badge
completed a physically demanding ascent to the summit of Cotopaxi, 19,757 feet
placed first in weight division in the 1992 Fort Benning Bodybuilding Contest
as company fitness trainer raised company APFT average from 236 to 262
distinguished Honor Graduate of Master Fitness Trainer Course
won 1992 American Drug Free Powerlifting Association Men's National Competition
led company marathon relay to a first and second place finish
took first place in the Commander's Cup over teams from the Army, Air Force, and Marines
developed a PT program for the staff which improved each score by at least 20 points
helped his clinic win the Commanders Trophy for APFT Excellence for the fourth consecutive cycle
six out of seven of her Soldiers scored 290 or more on the unit APFT team; APFT average of 294
developed the unit's physical training program resulting in the unit's average being raised by 38 points
Far Exceeded Standard
portrayed image of NCO in Spirit of America Pageant before 60,000 spectators, including President Bush
selected for and competed with the All Army Women's Basketball Team, won the second place trophy
completed vigorous physically challenging competitions in the Washington DC Aids Ride, 9/11 Memorial Ride, Army Ten Miler and Marine Corps Marathon
finished first in class on 10K division run
received 1st place in three international weight lifting events
consistently scored 300 points on the APFT; recognized as the top runner in the command
awarded the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club/Sergeant Morales club medallion
received highest grade in company on unique SEAL physical fitness test; 300 on APFT
physically fit; scored 300 on most recent APFT
physically fit; consistently scored 300 on physical fitness tests
consistently averaged over 290 on the physical fitness test with a squad average of a 270
directly responsible for an increase of platoon average APFT score from 257 to 283
won the battalion Iron Award for scoring 356 points on the extended APFT scale
won first place in battalion physical fitness competition with extended APFT score of 496
coach and starting player for 1st place division basketball team
selected as Post Athlete of the Year
improved the company physical fitness program which led to a xxx APFT average; xx% of Soldiers scored 270 or above, a x% increase, the second best average in BDE
led from the front during company physical readiness training (PRT); scored 270-300 on the APFT and awarded the Army Physical Fitness Badge; platoon APFT average is xxx
scored in the top 5% of the battalion on the APFT; demonstrates mental and physical fitness beyond his peers; xx of his/her Soldiers earned the Army Physical Fitness Badge
scored 300+ and won Iron Soldier award for having the highest APFT score in the BN/BDE
increased platoon/company APFT average from xxx to xxx as a direct result of commitment to PRT support and Soldier readiness
received a commander’s coin of excellence for leading a garrison postpartum PRT program, enrolled Soldiers passed the APFT and met height/weight standards
hand-picked to run the Master Fitness Program for Fort _____; increased unit fitness by xx% in all affected formations
developed and implemented a Profile Physical Training program; decreased temporary profiles by xx%
x Soldiers selected for the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club/Sergeant Morales Club board
inducted into the prestigious Sergeant Audie Murphy Club/S Morales Club; commanding presence and demeanor energized and motivated those around him
leads the most resilient unit in the organization; his calm demeanor and confidence encouraged all Soldiers to maintain focus under adverse conditions
displayed the highest level of confidence, enthusiasm, and impeccable military bearing for his SGLs and NCOA students to emulate
regarded as an expert in drill and ceremonies for establishing the brigade drill team; resulted in two of his NCOs being selected for the division color guard
received the Order of _____ (branch award) for exceptional dedication, competence, and contributions to the _____ regiment/branch
Did Not Meet Standard
Military Bearing- failed to maintain grooming standards IAW AR 670-1 during five in-ranks inspections; counseled numerous times by the chain of command
Fitness- failed height and weight standards/exceeded body composition standard IAW AR 600-9 by 6.5%; entered into the Army Body Composition Program
Fitness- failed pushup/sit-up/2-mile run on last record APFT; achieved score of xxx; displayed a lack of motivation for continued service in the Army
Confidence- consistently hesitates to implement directed actions from superiors; fears confrontations with subordinates
Resilience- lacked the ability to adapt to stress and adversity; his/her actions affected the unit’s capability to perform in an era of high operational tempo
Resilience- compromised the unit’s mental and emotional fitness; allowed personal and professional standards to lapse in personal appearance, demeanor and actions
Military Bearing- failed to utilize chain of command while dealing with personal issues; Soldier was found financially irresponsible for dependents resulting in no pay due
Military Bearing- fails to display military bearing with subordinates; does not respond to coaching or counseling
Military Bearing- fails to maintain military bearing while in discussion with senior leaders; does not understand the importance of addressing seniors by rank
Professional Bearing- utilizes social media to publish dislikes about the unit and chain of command
Confidence- lacked confidence in the presence of Soldiers; could not instill the will to complete the mission
Military Bearing- displayed substandard appearance and military bearing for NCO of his maturity; portrayed a negative image for the Army
Confidence- cannot project confidence or maintain composure commensurate with rank when placed in difficult situations; lost the trust of the chain of command
Confidence- had difficulty accomplishing duties when faced with adversity; placed the mission in jeopardy
Professional Bearing- relieved of first sergeant duties and responsibilities for both failing to report a SHARP incident and actively attempting to cover the incident up to prevent an investigation
Military Bearing- failed to render the proper respect to company XO on x occasions
Professional Bearing- complained openly about time spent in the field and during OEF deployment; adversely affected morale and discipline of junior Soldiers
Military Bearing was relieved of his duties as squad leader; counseled by the 1SG on numerous occasions for failure to maintain his military bearing
Military Bearing- lacked confidence in the presence of Soldiers; failed to project military bearing which reduced Soldier morale and esprit de corps
Professional Bearing- operated poorly in high op-tempo environments and stressful situations; unable to complete critical missions on time
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