You're tired of watching the Platoon Sergeant sit in the office watching YouTube and perusing Facebook while you slave away making sure that the vehicles are FMC and managing the priorities of the platoon put out in the morning meeting. What do they do anyway? You run all the reports for them.... all they do is go to meetings..... when they are there. You should be getting paid more than you are and you know you could make a difference and do it better. It's time to work towards promotion and here you will find out where to start and what you need to do to get promoted in the Army.
Here in part 1 we are going to discuss education. Statistically speaking there is a good chance you have already completed a degree. If you haven't you are behind the power curve and behind a good portion of your peers. Civilian education and degree completion is very important at this level and something that is needed to remain competitive. Maybe you haven't had much time or maybe just haven't prioritized it. It's in your best interest to buckle down and work it out. Look at these numbers for Sergeants First Class and Master Sergeants education completion.

These metrics are for 68W MOS.
If you don't have an Associates degree as a Sergeant First Class, you are below 51.7% of your peer group. If you don't have a Bachelors, you are below still below 23.7%.
If you don't have an Associates degree as a Master Sergeant, you are below 73.9% of your peer group. If you don't have a Bachelors, you are below still below 48.3%.
No matter how you look at it, that is a large gap to fill if you haven't devoted time to get your degree. So what do you do if you haven't finished a degree? You need to make up for it elsewhere. Maybe you prioritize a more competitive broadening assignment (Old Guard or Horseman), school (Horseman or Drill), or join a prestigious program (Audie Murphy or SGT Morales) to give you a better competitive edge. Bottom line up front, why put yourself that far behind your peers if you are serious about promotion. Stay hungry, be the best.
Continue reading with SFC promotion preparation Part 1 Education
Continue reading with SFC promotion preparation Part 2 Schools and Courses
Continue reading with SFC promotion preparation Part 3 SRB
Continue reading with SFC promotion preparation Part 4 Board